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    Click button for free Individual Report or if you have a whole school code.

    Collective wisdom and building collective capacity are the way of the future.

    Creating this within our staff learning community is the springboard to growth.


    Getting a good sense of how strong our buzz is (Is it a buzz? A hum? Or are those just crickets chirping?) can be a challenge when we’re sitting in the middle of it. To gauge what is going on we need to sit back and reflect on ourselves and our school.


    ‘The Buzz’ Diagnostic will guide your reflection.


    It asks about three core areas of learning intelligence: mindset, environment and belief.

    • Mindset. The way people in the learning community think.

    • Environment. The actions a learning community takes to stimulate professional learning.

    • Dialogue. The quality of the conversations learning communities have.

    In each of these areas, there are some questions about how you feel as an individual educator, and how you feel as an educator within your school community.


    When you’ve finished the Buzz Diagnostic, you will receive an individual report with feedback on important actions for your professional reflection practices.


    If you are in a leadership position, you will receive a separate report with specific feedback for your school’s professional learning community.


    So, what’s The Buzz at your school like?


    Estimated time to complete - 10 minutes


    Anonymity Statement

    All individual reports are kept confidential and are not shared with your school. If your school is participating in a whole school diagnostic, they will receive an aggregate summary report, however individual responses will still be kept confidential as your responses will be collated with feedback from other staff.

    Buzz Diagnostic Whole School Aggregate Report

    The whole school aggregated Buzz Diagnsotic is available for purchase and complimentary to schools who work with Tracey.

    It provides a benchmark for professional cultures and detailed information on how the professionals in your school view your context.
    Individuals can also access this diagnostic at no charge. 


    - Confidential Individual Report for all participants

    - Whole School Aggregate report

    - Detailed collated comments report

    - Senior Leadership Debrief Discussion with Tracey


    Free as part of The Buzz Academy Annual Membership.

    Go to www.thebuzz.academy to find out more

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    Buzz Diagnostic Whole School Report

    Buzz Diagnostic Whole School Report

    - Confidential Individual Report for all participants
    - Whole School Aggregate report
    - Detailed collated comments report
    - Senior Leadership Debrief Discussion with Tracey
    The whole school aggregated Buzz Diagnostic is available for purchase and complimentary to schools who work with Tracey. It provides a benchmark for professional cultures and detailed information on how the professionals in your school view your context.

    Individuals can also access this diagnostic at no charge.
    Coming soon