Are you a Ferocious Warmth leader?
At the best of times leadership is messy. It’s about a way of being, not doing. It’s as much to do with feeling and energy as thinking and planning. It’s never one size fits all.
When leaders are in balance, they are both ferocious about reaching their goals, and courageously driven by purpose, while warmly building strong and enduring relationships. This balancing act comes together in what Tracey Ezard calls Ferocious Warmth. Being able to bring both of these to any situation epitomises the daily dance of leadership.
When you meet a Ferocious Warmth leader, you know it. It is art and science in partnership, a constant flow between the head and the heart and an essential skill for leaders who seek to inspire and transform wherever they lead. Tracey works with leaders, leadership teams and whole organisations to build Ferocious Warmth and deep learning and collaborative cultures.
What Will You Learn
The Ferocious Warmth Online course comprises of 8 modules that cover the essential concepts of Ferocious Warmth. The head and the heart of leadership, and the four key elements that Ferocious Warmth leaders draw from. Some topics that we will cover include:
Topic 01
What is Ferocious Warmth Leadership?
Here we will be diving into the balancing act that is required for leadership, exploring the idea of using both the head and the heart and embracing new skills in leadership.
Topic 02
The Elements of Ferocious Warmth
Together we will begin our journey into the skills exhibited by ferocious warmth leaders and learn where you already excel in these skills and the shadows that need to be explored in order to make you a more successful leader.
Topic 03
Element 1: Expansive
Expansiveness refers to a leader’s openness to disruption, change and innovation. It’s the ability to expand your own thinking as well as the thinking of those around you.
Topic 04
Element 2: Connected
One of the key skills of a ferocious warmth leader is their ability to connect with others. Connected leaders genuinely love the other people around them. They believe in their work and the people that they work with which makes them compassionate and empathetic leaders.
Topic 05
Element 3: Authentic
Who are you showing up as? Authentic leaders show up with humility and openness. The person you see in front of you is the person that they are behind closed doors. They excel at creating connection and collaboration by showing up as their most vulnerable selves, owning mistakes and growing their skills.
Topic 06
Element 4: Courageous
Courageous leaders are the ones who are able to enact radical change within a business. Is this something you are striving for in your own leadership journey?
The self-paced modules are designed for you to work through as an individual but the videos and activities are also suitable for leadership team development. Everyone can work through the videos individually, and then come together to discuss the concepts and work through the activities together.
This course can be used in conjunction with the Ferocious Warmth book or audio book which can be purchased from our online store or audio book stores.
“The world needs more leaders with the ferocity to transform, and the warmth to inspire and connect people.”
– Tracey Ezard
Throughout this course we will:

Analyse the importance of self-understanding in leading others, and the impact of your leadership on your wider environment.

Understand how your default behaviours can be both strengths and weaknesses.

Evaluate the impact of balanced leadership.

Discover how lack of connection and unmet needs can move individuals to the extremities of leadership.

Develop the ability to become an expansive, connected, authentic and courageous leader.

Create tangible actions to recalibrate and build an approach of Ferocious Warmth.
Head to our Ferocious Warmth Online portal to sign up today!
What Our Clients Have Had To Say

It was an absolute joy to work with Tracey and some great seeds have been planted for future collaborative work amongst our teams.
Pauline Kinsman CESA

I just wanted to convey our heartfelt thanks for your facilitation… I think it’s fair to say that the two days ‘together’ exceeded our expectations. Your skill and expertise in providing an engaging, entertaining, thought-provoking and fun program was evident.
David Rose, Executive Principal, Lookout Program

Early on in my leadership journey I was told that I wouldn’t be a successful leader if I stayed the way I was, that I would need to change who I am. Ferocious Warmth has helped me realise that who I am is actually one of the most important things I can be as a leader!
Tabitha O’Brien, Principal
Meet Tracey
Do your teams collaborate, innovate and learn from one another? Are they buzzing with ideas, collaborating on solutions and transforming your organisation?
Tracey is a keynote speaker, author and educator, who is dedicated to inspiring people to collaborate and thrive in the workplace. She is an educator and a Fellow of the Australian Council of Education Leaders (FACEL) and a Certified Speaking Professional. Her passion is working with leaders and their teams to build a strong culture of trust, collaboration and learning.