The Stuff That Binds Us Together to do Extraordinary Work
By Tracey Ezard

Trust and collaboration are essential for real innovation to flourish. Glue reminds us of our essential nature as human beings – as co-creators – with an inbuilt need for deep connection and continuous learning.
Yet fear of failure and judgement often throttle the creative insights and knowledge-sharing that are so essential to the long-term success of companies today.
Glue not only recognises this problem, but opens a vital dialogue that leaders can continue with their people to find their own unique answers (now that’s collaboration!)
Warning, after reading and applying the ideas in this book, your teams may never be the same again!
- Status quos questioned
- Assumptions challenged
- Not-knowing embraced
- Honest conversations will happen naturally.
And eventually…
- Risks taken, so that trust and collaboration become a working reality.
Glue gets us looking above conventional teams to the approach more fitting the 21st Century. Honour this 21st Century tribe culture and watch your company become extraordinary!
Are you ready to do extraordinary work?

‘Glue’ has opened up my mindset and has encouraged me to start the new term with thought provoking questions and ideas I want to ask and share with my team, so that we can move forward in a more connected manner to bring the best out in ourselves and how we can strive for better excellence and success with children that we teach.
Joan Tregilgas, Italian specialist teacher / Specialist PLC leader, Cambridge Primary School

What a fantastic resource this book provides to those looking to really build and grow collaborative teams in any context. In this book, Tracey clearly demonstrates her passion and experience for building collaborative cultures and tribes. The insights and applications are easy to apply and I love hearing Tracey’s voice resonate through the pages as she shares her knowledge and life’s work and the “Glue” we can all apply to achieve success as a collaborative team and organisation.
Renee Giarrusso

A must read for leaders in times of exponential change!
Wise and inspiring reading that reminds us all of the need for a paradigm shift in changing times. Now more than ever we need to fully appreciate the limitations of ego-centricity and the importance of trust to transform ourselves and our organisational culture.
Jenni Thompson, EACH

Glue acknowledges and brings to life the needs and aspirations of a WE-centric world and gives us the most powerful tools for elevating into a higher level of connectivity, wisdom and insight. Humans thrive when they are part of a healthy tribe and Tracey Ezard gives us new tools to see beyond conventional thinking and enter a world where trust and collaboration drive our connection with others. This book is a must read!
Judith E. Glaser, Author of best seller 'Conversational Intelligence'

The knowledge I have gained through reading ‘Glue’ has strengthened my confidence and understanding of what it means to be a leader while also encouraging and supporting the worth of my colleagues as we strive to achieve our goal of supporting our students to achieve their best as they complete their years of secondary education.