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Are You A Professional LEARNER or a Professional Leaner?
January 19, 2015
Recently I got the opportunity to work with one of the state’s top performing schools.  This school is pumping - it is doing a fabulous job by not only achieving  what is seen as great ‘academic results’  but it also has as a strong, vibrant community and a safe and inclusive school for all students.
One of the defining characteristics of the school is the clarity and commitment that all the professionals in the place have regarding the following statement:  WE ARE LEARNERS.  Leaners or leaning behaviours are simply not tolerated in this workplace.  Leaners prop up against the comfort zone and maintain a strong sense of complacency.This organisation knows that for them to remain relevant; high quality and continuously improving, then learning is the key, not leaning.
Here are some of the things that differentiates learners and leaners:
LEARNERS listen to new perspectives with curiosity and interest.
Leaners seek to dismiss or squash new thinking through cynical remarks, ridicule or boredom.
LEARNERS see the comfort zone as a place to build strong foundation and capability, then use it as a springboard to greater things
Leaners prop themselves up against the Comfort Zone and use it as an excuse to not change behaviour.
LEARNERS are guided by an internal locus of control that checks against internal and external feedback to see if they are on the track they want.
Leaners have an external locus of control - they rely on others to make choices and decisions for them.
LEARNERS understand that committing to action within a team is vital for growth and momentum.
Leaners turn up to meetings without having done the work required.
LEARNERS see feedback as opportunity.
Leaners see feedback as conflict.
LEARNERS see robust professional debate objectively, and as a critical role of team members.
Leaners see robust professional debate as personal attack on their position.
LEARNERS are always on the look out for new research; thinking and perspectives.
Leaners rely on others to seek out new and up to date information and have it fed to them.
LEARNERS seek to grow their skills and try new things.
Leaners lean on the way they have always done it to get through.
LEARNERS take responsibility, have accountability and accept feedback.
Leaners DENY, BLAME and JUSTIFY - a lot!
Whether your organisation is a business, a not for profit service or an education establishment, you’ll need LEARNERS in your staff if you want to see results.
How are you creating the right MINDSET, ENVIRONMENT and DIALOGUE to get it happening?
Get a copy of "Are you a Leaner or Learner?" Infographic
I hope you enjoyed this post.
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